When you set out to do something new life will always throw you curve balls. You won’t have a moment to breathe, you will question is this the right thing? It will cost you personally lots of money, but if you surround yourself with interesting people who have amazing stories to tell and an adventurous spirit you start to believe anything is possible.
Three days at the Overland event Has given me so much confidence and belief that what we are doing with Mental Health Motorbike is of life changing importance. I’ve met young people who rode 40,000 miles round the world on a scooter and sidecar. I’ve met world-class musicians who said we can use any of their music to assist our work. I’ve met women adventurers who are such + role models for the next generation of young women. I’ve met members of our team who are fighting the battle of their life but refuse to let cancer beat them. In short I’ve met some of the most incredible people in my life in one place in a field in Oxfordshire, my god what a absolute privilege this was.
So what does this mean? Basically has charged my battery so full I know we just have to make this work now. Mental health is so important. There has been numerous times in my life where I have wished I was wasn’t here. I have two families that love me, support me and have brought me up well. But even that wasn’t strong enough to stop me wanting to end everything. Many people don’t have that support and I can’t imagine the loneliness to be on the brink of making that final decision alone. We have to do more to look after people and this isn’t rocket science to achieve. Suicide destroys families and rips communities apart and the relatives and friends are left asking WHY? with no possible answer to this question available for the rest of their lives. If we can encourage people to get the right support and give longer term support and hope this might be reduced.
Being in a field in Oxfordshire with Paddy, Saul, Nick and the Overland team I believe will be a pivotal moment in my life. It has really focussed my thinking that doing a small something is better than doing a massive nothing! They are really good people who have sacrificed a lot to make these events happen but my God what they do is good.
Thank you Overland Team you are amazing and we will try to create another story worthy of going in the Overland story book.
Thank you Paul Oxborough (MHM 2020)